Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Math Games

Today we played a math game with dice. The game is played with 2 dice. The person whose turn it is rolls the dice & adds the numbers together. The scorekeepers writes down the number. Then it's the next person's turn. When play returns to the first person, their addition answer is added to their previous answer. The first player to reach 100 wins. I used this game to introduce Mane to simple 2-digit addition today. Though I did all the 2-digit addition myself, I showed her how it was done and had her help me with some of the sums.

Then I found a website called Gamequarium that has some simple math games. Mane played games while I got the bread machine working on a gluten free loaf of bread.

After some math games, Mane read 2 more Bob Books to me (level B, set 1, books 6 & 7). I continue to see her fluency improving. I'm so relieved. Later this week I'm going to take out the magnet letters and work with some of the new blends and sight words introduced by the last few Bob Books.

Then Mane played with some magnetic poetry for a while. This seems to be a good way to get her to play around with words and sound out those that she might know. She was happily surprised to find words that she had just become familiar with in the Bob Books today.

I seem to have lost Five in a Row Volume 2. I have no idea where I might have left it, but it isn't anywhere in this house. I could just cry. My plan is to call the library today to see if I might have left it there. Otherwise, I can't think of where it might be. *sniffle*

I took a look at What Your First Grader Needs to Know. We seem pretty well on track, which is nice. It's also nice to have the book around for when I start wondering what we should work on next.


Tesha said...

Oh, that's terrible. Have you found it yet?

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