Thursday, October 2, 2014

Game Schooling - Rummy Roots

We have always loved a good game here at Peregrin House! And this year I've been focusing on ways to integrate games into our regular schedule and curriculum. I'm thinking that we should begin calling ourselves Game Schoolers, rather than Home Schoolers. I've been clogging my facebook feed with photos of us playing all our new (and old) games and decided it's high time I get them all recorded in the blog!

One of my very favorite new games is Rummy Roots! I'd been considering all kinds of vocabulary curriculum ideas for the latter half of this year, once we finish Logic of English and was on the brink of purchasing some workbooks when I ran across this game at Heppner's Legacy Homeschool Resources store in Elk River, MN.

The first version of the game is basically "Go Fish," except the draw pile is the "Root Pile," and you "Go Dig!" Both Greek and Latin roots and their English translations are in the deck. You ask for either the Greek/Latin or the English root word to make your match. Players have a cheat sheet with all the roots listed. Later versions of the game are played like Rummy, combining the Greek/Latin roots to create words. A small lexicon is included for assistance in playing the Rummy version of the game.Scanning the list over and over to find the matching root is good practice for using alphabetical lists and good eye training for children with dyslexia. Memorization happens without a person even noticing!

For now, we're going to forgo the root word workbooks and play games!

Rummy Roots has a web page here:


Tesha said...

More! More! I'd love to hear about more!

Amy said...

Don't worry! More are on their way. I was having trouble for a while getting my phone photos over to my computer. Problem solved. So, I'm catching up now.

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