Sunday, June 28, 2009

Summer Break is Over

Yep. We took a little break for Vespera's graduation and a family camping trip. Now we're through with summer break.

Mane agreed to do the summer reading program with Borders book store and with Barnes & Noble. And yesterday the librarian gave her a bunch of info on the library summer reading program. Aside from those things, we took out her calendar yesterday & decided to put a sticker on it for every day that she practices reading. If she reads for five days in a row, I agreed to take her on one of the rides at the Mall of America. Yes, I know it's bribery. Yes, I know it's using extrinsic rewards. And, yes, I think we need that kind of motivator right now. Mango & I discussed it & decided to see what happens if she has some very consistent reading practice. We shall see.

This week we'll be reading Paul Revere's Ride and The Declaration of Independence: A Museum in a Book in preparation for the 4th of July.

I taught Mane to play one of my favorite card games: Fluxx, which combines symbol recognition skills with a little bit of reading and some strategy. If anyone else has good game recommendations, I'm all ears!


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