Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lighthouses! (And A Walk in the City)

We started out the day with the "real" story of Moses from the Bible. We talked more about Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur. Mane asked questions about what those words actually mean and what language they are and WHY.

We did some math & reading lessons quickly and then took off on a trip to the library. Mane whined about walking to the light rail because we've been biking everywhere lately, but all the way there she commented on the things you can notice when you're walking because you're going more slowly than biking! Talk about night & day. Here are some of our discoveries:

HUGE can tab



Relaxing at the station

While we were downtown, we sat at a coffee shop and looked over a book about lighthouses from the library called Lighthouses by Phillip Plisson.

This week we're "rowing" The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. So, our perusal of the lighthouses book was a good intro. As I write this, Mane is reviewing the book with Mango. She was very impressed to learn that there used to be lighthouse boats AND lighthouses that we just on pieces of rock in the middle of the sea. Lighthouse keepers had to slide on a rope down to a boat to get off the lighthouse. Now people are dropped from helicopters to get to the lighthouses for maintenance.

A book about lighthouses seemed timely since we just visited the Two Harbors lighthouse on Lake Superior:

And our trip to Two Harbors reminded us of our trip to Split Rock lighthouse last summer:

We spent a great deal of time in front of the map today, too, finding New York (the setting for The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge), which led to finding all the other places we know on the map and singing a song about the 7 continents. AND we found a youtube video with actual footage of "The Little Red Lighthouse."


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