Monday, October 6, 2014

Logic and Philosophy at Peregrin House

I am so excited for some of the new things we're studying this year. Next, after Game Schooling, on my list of things to share is Logic and Philosophy! Yay! First we began with this marvelous book we found online called An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments.

After reading the first chapter of the Bad Arguments books, about Arguments from Consequences, Mane wrote her own Bad Arguments. For examples, "If all the cars in the world disappeared, I would get to ride a horse, and I like riding a horse. Therefore, all the cars in the world will disappear." Now there's an "Argument from Consequences" for you. Check this one out: "Nothing is better than chocolate. Broccoli is better than nothing. Therefore, broccoli is better than chocolate." That's an equivalency argument. Awesome.

We're looking forward to using the Center for Philosophy for Children later this year to explore philosophical questions through children's literature and find ethical dilemmas to discuss and argue (with our Bad Arguments). Their website is simply crammed with ideas for developing the philosophical minds of children. Grandma is going to be so proud (that's Mango's mama, the philosophy professor).

Last year we did a whole lot of logic puzzles: Deducibles, Mind Benders, and Sudoku. This year we're hoping to build on some of those logic and reasoning skills to make real world applications.


Tesha said...

Oh my gosh! Those Bad Arguments sounds awesome! What a great way to teach how to write a good argument and how to recognize a bad one!! Love it.

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