Tuesday, November 11, 2014

America: The Story of Us

This is how history is done at Peregrin House! We've been watching the History Channel series, America: The Story of Us. The History Channel website has study guides, bonus videos, and links to other websites to extend the lessons. Mane kicks back on the couch with her history binder and answers study guide questions as we go along.

We're currently on episode six. (This is Week Eleven of the school year for us.) I must say that the videos have been a little bloody, but, then again, that is what a lot of history has been. I'm happy that the series is not sugar-coated. It *does* go by fast. Twelve episodes take the viewers from the revolution to modern times. We've taken some time in the middle to watch supplementary videos about President Lincoln, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement. We've also checked out picture books from the library about a number of the early presidents and their families. Mane has been keeping a list of presidents and their wives. She's working on memorizing the names of the presidents.

After this, our plan is to work our way through the PBS series, Faces of America, about the history of immigration in the U.S.A.


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