Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Game Schooling - Xoom Cubes

We're still learning all the fun possibilities for game-play with Xoom Cubes, but already they are a giant hit at our house. I attended a Teacher Tuesday at Marbles: The Game Store, and I received this game for FREE!

Xoom Cubes is really just a box of alphabet cubes/dice in 4 different colors. One way to play: Each player gets a set of colored dice, rolls the dice, and creates words using as many of their letters as possible.

Variations include using a timer, creating a crossword, allowing re-rolling of unused dice, or pooling all the dice and racing to create words from the pool. Of course, the cubes could also be used with younger kids for matching letters and learning phonics! For more game suggestions and Xoom Cubes challenges, check out the Xoom Cubes website: http://baxbo.com/games/xoom-cubes/ or the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/xoomcubes.


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