Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Game Schooling - Quick Pix Animals

I picked this game up for next to nothing at the homeschool book sale about a month ago, and then I saw it at the science museum store. You know it's a good game when they're selling it at the science museum!

How to Play:
Each player gets 5 cards, which they place face-up in front of themselves. Each card has two animal categories, such as "mammals" or "reptiles" on it. The deck contains animal picture cards. When a card from the deck is flipped up, the first player to match their category card to the animal card keeps the match. I require older kids to call out the correct category, not just slap the right category card down on the animal.

We're finding that even our smallest player is getting pretty good at this game! The category cards have pictures of the animals on them. So, he can identify the matches by using the pictures:

Just look at his card stash on the couch there!
Younger players practice matching/patterning and eye scanning skills. Older players learn animal classification. Grown-up players learn to be quick...because the kids are FAST! The game rules come with information about classification and all the animals included in the deck. Even our adult players learned some new things about some animals from this game. (Did you know that manatees are hoofed mammals? And that the porcupine is considered a rodent?)


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