Sunday, April 26, 2015

Passover 2015 - Bag of Plagues

For Passover this year we decided to use the idea from the Martha Stewart website and make a "Bag of Plagues" for Mane and her younger friends. We replaced a couple of the items (see below). Rather than dark chocolate cherries for blood (YUCK!!), we made red slime...

Here's the list of what we used for each plague:

Blood: slime (borax, polyvinyl alcohol, red food coloring)
Frogs: Plastic frogs
Lice: glitter
Swarms: Plastic bugs
Cattle disease: Plastic cows
Boils: Orbies
Hail: Altoids
Locusts: Plastic locusts
Darkness: Blindbolds
Slaying of the first born: Plastic lambs


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